Joyce Debuts Anna Bolena to Critical Acclaim
After premiering the roles of Maria Stuarda and Elisabetta in Roberto Devereux in previous seasons…Joyce debuted the third Donizetti Queen in the trilogy, Anna Bolena at ABAO Bilbao Opera. The noted publication, El País, noted…
“In the final scene, the way she [El-Khoury] resolved the difficult dramatic transition between the madness of the cavatina and the sanity of the cabaletta was astonishing. She dressed the dreaminess of the cavatina, ‘Al dolce guidami’, with all its lyrical finery, dynamic prowess and vocal filigree to make it the highlight of the evening. But she also intensified the drama in Coppia iniqua, the final cabaletta, where she did not hesitate to add unwritten trebles and basses, as a way of reinforcing the terror of the one who is going to be beheaded.” – PABLO L. RODRÍGUEZ for El País
Click here to read the entire review…